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Sept. 19, 2012
Regular Meeting
September 19, 2012
The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. Present were: Chairman Jerry Gannelli, Jon Fudeman, John Mirick, Ann Neuburg and Tom Daly

Administrative Business
Board voted all in favor to approve minutes of regular meeting from Sept. 5. The board reviewed the mail and PB budget.

Discussion on using CMRPC ‘free’ service hours for a wall map with layers (3) for zoning, parcels and open/protected space. Yearly allocation is 12 hours; John recommended saving a few hours each for future project needs at East Princeton and Worcester Road PAC, to help writing new zoning bylaw for mixed use overlay. Map may need up to 2 hours from CMRPC and PB can print/frame the poster-size map if they send us an electronic file.

Board discussed representatives on CMRPC, as Ann will no longer be the alternative member. Jerry is representative and will find out the quarterly meeting schedule. Board voted all-in-favor to appoint Jon F. to take over Ann’s spot as alternate.

Several instances of confusing verbiage in the zoning bylaws, including two references to earth removal, were looked at and discussed. John M. agreed to find wording to clarify the paragraph for “Trailers & Mobile Homes” under VII, 3., (A).

Board will discuss Special Permit conditions on accessory apartments with Dept. Fire Chief Marc Matthews, who conducts inspections for fire/safety codes. He has agreed to attend the Oct. 19 meeting at 7:30 p.m.

The Ethics Commission discussion continued from the last meeting, and available members of the PB are meeting with the BOS at 5:15 PM on Sept. 24. They will be informed about error in the procedure for PAC members when they were originally sworn in--anyone appointed (to any committee/board) should have submitted a written disclosure that would declare their potential conflict of interest, to be documented with the Ethics Commission. Question to BOS will be, what are risks of using PAC report already completed, and how much of the PAC’s efforts can be salvaged, going forward? Jon F. presented disclosure forms and materials, to forward to BOS. John M. suggests going forward without appointing anybody to anything, and using the remaining, non-abutting PB members (3) to facilitate input from the general public at any future meetings.
        PB heard from PAC member Deb Cassidy, 197 Worcester Road, who was concerned about her own liability and wanted to know if she needed an attorney (to deal with Ethics Commission). She was assured that would not be necessary. She insisted that she wanted to withdraw all her comments from the past PAC effort, as it “is not what I signed up for.”

9:00 PM  All voted in favor to adjourn.  

Respectfully Submitted
Marie Auger, Administrative Assistant

Referenced Documents:  
Princeton Zoning Bylaws  pages 3, 7, 8;  
Pages from Ethics Commission

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department